Austyn Victoria is a pro flowboarder sponsored by Ash Flowboards.
AUSTYN VICTORIA is an artist, photographer and pro flowboarder based in Orlando, Florida.
With a Bachelors of Fine Arts in Sculpture Victoria has combined art with her passion for the sport and developed a clothing range for women flowboarders. To find out more and to follow her blog visit www.flowlove.co.
What do you love most about your flowboarding career?
Travelling and meeting people who share the same passion.
What has been the highlight in your career to date?
Performing on the largest wave simulator in the world at Splashworld Provence in France, Summer 2015.
If you could accomplish one thing in flowboarding or outside the sport in the next five years what would that be?
Win a world title in flowboarding.

Austyn, pictured, is also the creator of Flowlove, the first clothing line for female flowboarders!
What’s your favourite movie?
And actor?
Leonardo DiCaprio, naturally.
And musician/band?
Tie between Dance Gavin Dance and Incubus, although Beyoncé gets me pumped.
What’s your biggest regret?
Not starting flowboarding sooner.
If you could have the opportunity to give another sport a go on a global level what would that sport be?

To find out more about Austyn and to follow her blog visit www.flowlove.co.
Where’s your favourite place to relax?
In a book.
Do you have or would you get a tattoo?
Not yet surprisingly, maybe once I think of a special way to mark where I’ve been.
What’s your best characteristic?
My smile.
And your most unappealing habit?
I bite my cheeks – nervous habit that I can’t seem to shake.
If you could order any three-course meal what would that meal be?
I only need one course and it is the pork and fries from Mario’s in Florence. In fact, give me three of those. Grazie.
If you had to get stuck in an elevator with someone who would that person be?
Mom a.k.a. best friend.
What’s your most used curse word?
What are you most afraid of?
When are you happiest?
What drives you to keep pushing for success?
I want to be remembered.
What’s your biggest focus outside the world of flowboarding?
Fine art and photography.
Which sports person do you most aspire to?
Ernestine Shepherd – a role model of discipline and faith.