Meg Dyos was part of the Coxless Crew which completed an unsupported three-stage row across the Pacific Ocean in 2016.
MEG DYOS was part of the all-female Coxless Crew which completed an supported three-stage row across the Pacific Ocean in 2016 in aid of Walking with the Wounded and Breast Cancer Care.
Here Meg relives some of the highlights of that epic rowing journey and gives us an insight into the feature-length movie, Losing Sight of Shore, which has been made about the girls’ record-breaking challenge.
Had you ever rowed before you took part in the row across the Pacific challenge?
I had not. I had a 20-minute rowing session in Samoa just before we left on our journey. I had never been in a rowing boat either. I did mean to try it before I left, but it got to the point where I was worried that I might not like it; much better to try it in a place where I couldn’t back out.
How much training did you need before your leg of the row?
I had to complete a lot of weight training before my leg of the row; that as well as a lot of high calorie eating! It was hard training on my own rather than as a team like the other girls but it was great to have Lizanne (second leg) in the early stages. Even though she was in South Africa, we would Skype each other and compare our muscles. I had never done any form of weight lifting before, so it was also really interesting being in the predominantly men’s section of the gym and actually lifting more than some of them!

Meg (left) pictured with Coxless Crew teammate Lizanne van Vuuren
What were the toughest moments of the row and what impact did it have on your mind and body?
It was pretty tough! I am a big sleep person and love an early night, but the concept of having to wake up every two hours really got to me, especially when I wasn’t having a good day. Salt sores on all areas of my body were seriously unpleasant, uncomfortable and it was really hard for anything to heal when getting wet with every large wave that hit us.
Just being out in the complete unknown, all on our own, was at some points seriously scary. To keep in control of this, you had to control your mind – we had an amazing psychologist, Keith Goddard, who helped us with all aspects of our mind.
What were some of the highlights?
The amazing sunsets, the wildlife, all of the crazy colours reflecting on the water, the stars, really experiencing something none of us had ever experienced before – too many!
What was it like sharing such a small space for 24 hours a day with three other women?
It’s weird I guess that the four of us shared a space about the size of a two-man tent/a single mattress for so long and it honestly didn’t really bother me at all. We rowed in two hour shifts as pairs so we would swap with the other pair as we entered the cabin.
What were some of the funniest moments and did the habits of others ever really grate on you?
There were some annoying things – dribble left on the pillow that you have got to sleep on for the next two hours got to me a bit, and my rowing partner taking too long to settle down for sleep in a sleep shift, but I am sitting here honestly struggling to think of much that was annoying about the cabin! It was small, but it was a safe haven where you didn’t have to row. It’s where we had contact with home, it is where we had hot food, it is where we could chat actually facing each other, it is where we could sleep.
When I look back on the whole experience of the row I find it hard to think of negative things, because I really don’t think that there were many!

Losing Sight of Shore tells the story of the Coxless Crew’s incredible journey.
Tell us about Losing Sight of Shore and what our readers can expect from the film?
A film of SPIRIT – Strength, perseverance, inspiration, resilience, integrity and trust – a film of friendship.
Have you been rowing since the challenge or been involved in any other sporting events or adventures?
Ha! I had never rowed before, and I will never row again – it’s not for me.