Amanda Ruller is the running back for Los Angeles Temptations, a team which competes in the Legends Football League.
AMANDA Ruller is a running back for the Atlanta Steam in the Legends Football League. For those who aren’t aware the LFL is a lingerie league which means the women players are in the ultimate physical condition – showing off their athletic bodies as well as their prowess and skills in their chosen sport.
Here she answers some of our ‘quick-fire’ questions and reveals more about her character and life off the football field.
To follow Amanda’s blog visit her website www.amandabolic.com.
What do you most love about your football career?
The amount of effort I’ve put into training for my position as a running back. It’s a very skilled position and I have so much fun learning new ways to be better at it.
What has been the highlight in your career to date?
Being able to meet so many amazing strong women in the league and playing alongside them. Every game with them was a highlight just having the opportunity to play.
What are the most exciting things we’ll find on your blog?
Lots of fun workouts to try, healthy recipes and my personal day to day experiences.
What’s your favourite movie?
Back to the Future.
And actor?
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
And musician/band?
The Weekend.

As well as being a professional football player, Amanda is also a model who inspires thousands of social media users with her gym routines and workouts.
If you could have the opportunity to give another sport a go on a national level what would that sport be?
Olympic weight lifting. I’ve done bobsled/skeleton and soccer.
Do you have or would you get a tattoo?
I never want to get a tattoo. They wouldn’t look good on me in my opinion.
What’s your best characteristic?
The Canadian politeness.
And your most unappealing habit?
My competitiveness in every situation.

You can find Amanda’s blog at www.AMANDAbolic.com.
If you had to get stuck in an elevator with someone who would that person be?
Zac Effron.
What’s your most used curse word?
Fuckin’ Eh Buddy.
When are you happiest?
Playing sports.

Amanda’s positive attitude and fun personality have made her a favourite with Legends Football League fans.
What drives you to keep pushing for success?
My parents.
What makes you most angry about the world?
When people judge others in the gym.
Which sports person do you most aspire to?
There are many athletes in the sports of football, track and field and soccer who I aspire to.