Sarah has been passionate about hiking since the age of 18.
SARAH LISTER grew up on farms and spent plenty of her childhood playing in and enjoying the outdoors. She first started hiking at 18 while travelling the world and the rest is history as Sarah has gone on to become such an avid hiker that she has recently started up a business which encompasses all the positives the pastime can offer.
Here she talks about some of her most memorable hikes to date and give us an insight into what inspired her to set up Summit to Success and what she offers to those who come to her for coaching. Read on to find out about some of her plans for 2017 and her belief that hiking can release the potential for creativity we all have inside us.
To find out more about what Sarah does and how her business can benefit you visit summityoursuccess.com.
Have you always been an adventurous person and if so where do you think this stems from?
Yes I think this stems from growing up on farms and being surrounded by nature every day. My childhood was full of adventure as I explored ruins in our farmyard, I played on fallen oak trees with my sister, and wrote stories about the woodlands. I remember long walks with my family and pets, pinching lambs in the field for cuddles and bombing about on mountain bikes. I had so much freedom outside and feel very grateful for that. I was fearless in nature.
When did you first start hiking and who inspired you to give the sport a go?
It’s funny I don’t think of it as a sport, but I can see why people do. I first started hiking when I went on a solo adventure at 18 years old. I had a round-the-world ticket and explored different continents by flight, rail and foot. I don’t remember having hiking boots, I think I did most of my walks in cheap trainers but luckily I was in hot climates like Australia and I believe those shoes stayed with me until the end. I think I bought my first hiking boots when I lived in Spain a few years later.

Sarah surrounded by bluebells as she hikes in some magnificent woods in the English countryside.
Tell us about some of your most memorable hikes and who you have enjoyed them with?
I went hiking with my German friend Friederike on the Southern Coast of Spain. She had me climbing rock faces without ropes and sleeping in a tent on a nudist beach (I kept my clothes on). She is one of the most inspirational people I have ever met who motivated me to do things that I didn’t think I was capable of doing. I had the time of my life with her!
Climbing Scafell Pike a few years back with friends was a good one, with a gorgeous mini Boxer dog in tow. When I did that hike I hadn’t been hiking for some time so it felt like a big achievement.
More recently I went to the Peak District for a solo weekend adventure, teaching myself to read maps and building up my strength to carry a bit more weight on my back. I do sometimes love hiking alone, I notice things more and find the solitude therapeutic.

Map reading is an essential part of hiking and something Sarah has become more and more competent at over the years.
Where did your idea for Summit Your Success come from and could you tell us a little more about the company?
The idea came from my organic journey of exploration and discovery. I have been exploring how to create more freedom in my life so that I can travel the world, and my experiences along the way have awakened me to limitless opportunities. It is through adventure that I have realised this because every day I have been stepping out of my comfort zone, challenging my old belief systems and living more purposefully.
I created my coaching business so that I can assist people to create more freedom in their lives with a spirit of adventure. We go on hiking trips together while I ask powerful questions that get to the core of what’s keeping them stuck. I empower people to find their own answers, to take action, and create change that really lasts. I believe that being outdoors helps people to open up and build confidence by accepting new challenges.

Sarah pictured with a friend on one of her hiking adventures in Spain.
Tell us why you feel hiking leads to awareness and creates opportunity?
By getting outside into open spaces I think our view expands visually, physically and psychologically. Trees are tall, views are vast, skies and oceans seem limitless and when we surround ourselves in that I think our awareness naturally expands. Hiking is an opportunity in itself for new experiences and challenges, and when we push ourselves in any way we realise what we are capable of.
Who are some of the people you’ve worked with as a coach and what is the core message you try to instil in them?
I have worked with people who want to transform their creative ideas into a business, to explore new paths because they are feeling stuck, and people who love the idea of adventure but have a block such as not finding the time, worrying about money, or feeling nervous about going alone. My key message is that anything is possible if you believe, take action and stay open to change.
What does 2017 have in store for you and the business and what are you most looking forward to?
In 2017 I have a group adventure coaching programme which will be a series of hiking trips building up to a 20 mile challenge in June! Soon I will also be posting out an invitation for an adventure retreat by the sea in Norfolk which will include wild hikes and coaching.
I am most looking forward to hiking 26 miles with my mum and sister for the charity Care International UK in June.