Tom Ramshaw competed at the Olympics in Rio this year.
TOM RAMSHAW lived the reality most athletes can only dream of when he competed at the Olympics in Rio this year. Despite not taking a medal the experience has spurred him on to get to Tokyo in 2020 and ensure he’s makes it onto a winning podium.
In this exclusive interview Tom talks about what he’ll do over the next four years to make sure he’s in peak condition for the Games and explains more about the class of sailing he competes in.
Read more about Tom and his journey to the Olympics on his website https://tomramshaw.com.
How hard have you worked to get to the Olympics and how does it feel to finally be out in Rio?
I have put everything into my efforts just to get to the Olympics. I have been sailing full time for five years and think about the Olympics every single day. To finally accomplish my goal really validates all the hard work I’ve put in. Although, now that I’ve reached my goal, it’s on to the next. Working hard towards being on top of the podium for Tokyo 2020.
Which class were you competing in?
I was competing in the Finn Class which is also known as the men’s heavyweight dinghy. We competed in 10 hour long races held over the course of 5 days. The top ten sailors move on to an 11th race to compete for the medals.

Tom saw Rio as a stepping stone to Tokyo where he aims to get amongst the medals.
What were you aiming for out in Rio and how were you going to make it happen?
I was aiming for top ten, but knew i would be happy either way as long as I gave my best efforts. Being so new to the boat I already felt very happy just to be there. Now since I didn’t accomplish my goal I’m even more driven and determined to work hard to get a better result in four years.
Being at the Olympics and seeing how the top guys performed made me realize that I can do it to with more time in the boat and preparing for the next Olympics with more experience.

Tom’s biggest successes in the sport have been finishing in the top ten at his first two major Finn regattas (Europeans, and World Championships).
Tell us more about your switch from Laser to the Finn class?
I sailed the laser for almost a decade and sailed full time in the laser for four year until summer or 2015. I was feeling a little burnt out coming off a season where I expected to get some top international results but fell short of my goal. I had the opportunity to try the Finn at the 2015 North American Championships and won the event while also really enjoying it. I decided to switch full time and continue my Olympic campaign except now in the Finn.
The transition required me to gain 30 pounds and learn not only how to handle the more physical boat but also the technical side around all the customization in the equipment. It was truly a crazy year having to do it all in such a short amount of time before the olympics.
What have been your biggest successes in sailing to date and where in the world has the sport taken you?
My biggest success was finishing top ten at my first two major Finn regattas (Europeans, and World Championships). Competitors in the fleet had no idea who I was when I was beating so many of them who had been doing it so long, I was quickly accepted among the top sailors and that felt really good.
The sport has taken me all over the world although most of my time has been spent in South Florida and traveling through Europe on the circuit they have in the winter and spring. I will spend the next four years living is Spain in order to train full time with other top Finn Sailors for 200 Olympics.
What’s next after the Olympics in terms of challenges, competitions and personal projects?
Since I am determined to continue to win Gold at the next Olympics, I will take a month off before I resume training full time. Right now I am focusing on spending time in the gym to get as fit as possible, while also continuing to raise money for a proper campaign. I am also taking spanish lessons so when I move to spain I will be able to enjoy living there as much as possible.
Read more about Tom and his journey to the Olympics on his website https://tomramshaw.com.