
Learn the art of disguise and enhance your abilities to survive in the wilderness

Learning the art of disguise can be essential for staying safe and hiding from potential threats, so here's some tips to help you practice your protective process.


Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

While, for many people, the concept of outdoor survival is about having the right survival kit and tactics to ensure that you can look after yourself in an emergency while making the most of your camping experience, there’s a lot more that burrows beneath the surface, literally. If you are looking for a way to enhance your abilities to survive in the wilderness, you’ve got to get good at the art of disguise. This can be essential for staying safe and hiding from potential threats, so here’s some tips to help you practice your protective process.

Use Natural Camouflage Colors

One of the best options, when you are opting to go into the wilderness for camping experiences, is to ensure that you blend into the surroundings. Many people go into the wilderness with their trucks, ute canopies, and items that come in a solid black or slate color, this doesn’t always suit itself to the fine art of staying concealed. You’ve got to opt for gear that utilizes earth tones including browns, greens, and grays. The latter is especially important with regard to your camping equipment and vehicle.

Learn the Art of Stillness

There’s a lot of noise that we can make purely by existing in this outdoor environment. Therefore we’ve got to learn how to blend in through how we look but also how we operate. If you’re observing wildlife or you’re waiting for potential threats you’ve got to learn to take control over your stress levels. You’ve got to avoid sudden movements that could draw attention and learn how to breathe slower and deeper. The concept of being at one with nature can help to get you into the right mindset here. If you are struggling with what being in nature is all about, sometimes imagining yourself as part of the scenery and not as yourself will help you to embrace that inner sense of calm but will not just work wonders in these scenarios but in life.

Being Mindful of Your Noise Levels

There are unconscious things we can do that are very noisy. For example, we could take big steps thinking that we can cover more ground or we can breathe loudly, cough, and so many other things that will invariably draw attention to us. Learning to keep those noise levels to a minimum, for example by breathing through your nose and swallowing your coughs, will work wonders. Additionally, be careful of how much light you mate especially if you are using your phone as a torch!

Avoid Strong Smells

You need to avoid strong odors at all costs as this can attract unwanted attention from others. Avoid scented perfume soaps or any insect repellents. Instead, choose to use your natural “stench!”


As we spend more time outdoors we can get better at how we blend in with our surroundings. It is essential that we become at one with nature because it doesn’t just help us to blend in but we will actually get far more enjoyment out of the wilderness and we could be able to get up and close to nature and marvel at its wonder!

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