Rory Mackenzie, Tim Maw, Mark Shoosmith and Neil Laughton.
A GROUP made up of ex-service and civilians has become the first ever mixed amputee and able-bodied team to circumnavigate Ireland on unmodified personal watercraft (PWC).
The expedition arrived back into Belfast Harbour (Titanic dock marina) at 6pm on Friday (August 18) to claim the record, having travelled 1,500km on SEA-DOO GTIs in a variety of conditions from beautiful sunshine and flat calm seas to dense fog and choppy swells.
As part of the challenge, the team has raised funds for Help for Heroes and the RNLI, its chosen charities, highlighting the charities’ work within local communities in both the UK and Ireland.
The Ireland 360 team was made up of Rory Mackenzie, an army veteran who lost his right leg during the Iraq war; Tim Maw, a director at a property development company; Neil Laughton, a former UK Special Forces officer turned entrepreneur, and Mark Shoosmith, the managing director at a specialist vehicle garage.
You can still donate to the worthy causes that the challenge was in aid of by www.justgiving.com/teams/Ireland-360.