
4 Compelling Reasons Why You Should Take Up an Extreme Sport

There has been a surge in people who are benefiting from taking up extreme sports since the pandemic


More and more people are showing interest in extreme sports such as rock-climbing, rafting, and snowboarding. In fact, news website BusinessInsider.com reports that the adventure economy, which includes extreme sports, is estimated to have 490 million participants worldwide, bringing in over $200 billion each year. This surge in extreme sports is due to the prolonged confinement indoors brought about by the pandemic. Apart from that, the increase in extreme sports activity is also due to the various benefits that are linked to participating in such activities.


Here, we list down four compelling reasons why you should consider trying an extreme sport.


It strengthens your mentality


A lot of folks are afraid of taking up extreme sports because of the dangers associated with these activities. Because of this, pursuing extreme sports can teach you how to be courageous and brave, as well as help you control your emotions and fears. A study in the Journal of Health Psychology notes that despite involving intense fear, extreme sports helps an individual accept that they cannot always control their future, allowing them to develop a better understanding of themselves. In addition, the fear brought on by extreme sports can be integrated and experienced by individuals as a meaningful and constructive event in their lives.


It can relieve your stress


Stress is a normal part of life. However, health resource SymptomFind.com notes that experiencing chronic stress can place individuals at risk of developing severe medical conditions such as depression, obesity, and cancer. By taking up an extreme sport, you can develop a better response to stressful situations. This is because undertaking an extreme sport will increase your body’s production of an amino acid called neuropeptide Y. This amino acid helps with regulating our anxiety and is also a natural sedative. Taking up one of these sports is an enjoyable way to boost your resilience in order to face stressful challenges.


It improves your physique


Extreme sports can help you achieve peak physical health in a number of ways. For one, the fitness required for an extreme sport means you will work different muscle groups compared to the gym, as well as improving your stamina, strength, and flexibility. In addition, extreme sports can also help you lose more fat compared to your standard fitness routine. To illustrate, skateboarding can help you burn as much as 500 calories per hour. In comparison, jogging for an hour will burn 398 calories. If you want to improve your physical health, you should consider learning an extreme sport and practicing it consistently.


It boosts your self-confidence


It’s not easy to pick up an extreme sport because these require individuals to push themselves to their physical and emotional limits. But by powering through and mastering one of these sports, you can build your confidence, as well as your trust in your abilities. If you feel like you lack self-esteem and want to prove to yourself that you can venture to the edge of your limits, look for an extreme sport that will mentally, emotionally, and physically challenge you.


To further inspire you to take up an extreme sport, be sure to read our posts and profile pieces here on LimitlessPursuits.com.

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