
Tips for taking your dog on an outdoor adventure

We take a look at some tips to ensure that both you and your pooch have fun while exploring the vast wilderness of the great outdoors.


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Dogs love being outside. And so do adventurers. Therefore, it makes sense to take your pup with you if you’re planning on going hiking, biking, or even kayaking.


But how do you do it well? That’s the topic of this post. We take a look at some tips to ensure that both you and your pooch have fun while exploring the vast wilderness of the great outdoors.


Get Your Dog The Proper Leash

First, you’ll want to ensure you have a proper leash for taking your dog into the great outdoors. You want something that gives you control should danger strike, particularly if you’re still training your pooch. Leashes are necessary if you anticipate hazards or you’re walking somewhere your dog is at risk of falling.


Train Them With Relevant Commands

You’ll also want to train your dog with relevant commands before you go. While “paw” can be a lot of fun, it probably won’t benefit you in the wilderness. 


Perhaps the most important commands are “stay” and “come to me.” These help you manage your dog’s position when out in the wilderness.


Give Your Dog A Health Check

The great outdoors is as challenging for your dog as it is for you physically, if not more so. As such, you’ll want to give them a health check before you travel. Make sure they don’t have any health issues, particularly to do with their joints. 


Read Up On Specific Activities

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Make sure you read up on how to take care of your pup while engaging in specific activities. For example, ensure you know tips to take your dog kayaking with you if you plan to spend time on the water. 


Dogs have specific limits that are different from humans. Unlike us, they can’t sweat so are much more prone to overheating on long-distance adventures. They also have smaller bodies and less stored fat, so they can’t just keep going indefinitely without replenishment.


Bring Pooper Scoopers With You 

Also, ensure you have the means to clean up after your dog if they make a mess on the trail. Ideally, bring bags with you. But if you can’t do that because you’re going to be hiking for a long time, a trowel and pooper scooper will suffice. Just make sure you have equipment and cleaning items to keep everything hygienic. Biodegradable bags you can bury in the ground are a great option.


Write Down A Food Schedule

You should also consider writing down a food schedule for your pooch. Sticking to regular feeding helps them behave and keeps them energized throughout the trip. 


Remember to pack as much food as you can for your dog. All that running will make them hungrier than usual.


Take Account Of Weather Conditions

Finally, you’ll want to take account of weather conditions before setting off on your trip. If it’s cold, your dog might not be warm enough, depending on the breed. Therefore, you’ll need to bring a jacket for them or leave them at home. If it is too warm, you’ll need to plan water and access to shade. 

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