
Cedric Dumont: using the power of the mind to push human flight to the limit

WE TALK to BASE jumper and wingsuit flyer, Cedric Dumont, about his career highs which have seen him become a leading authority on the sport and member of the Red Bull Team.

Cedric Dumont.

Cedric Dumont is a leading authority in the world of BASE jumping and wingsuit flying.

CEDRIC DUMONT has achieved much in the world of BASE jumping and wingsuit flying but his original sporting love was that of golf.


What he did gain from that very gentlemanly pastime was the discipline and mental strength he credits as being instrumental to his success as an athlete in the air. Cedric has over 11,000 jumps to his name and has been a member of the Red Bull Team since 2000.


What’s more is that Cedric has a unique perspective on reaching the upper house of a sport, or any profession in fact, and has a degree in High Performance Psychology. He gives inspirational talks to people from all fields on how confronting fears and developing a mindset for success, is the way humans are able to achieve greatness.


Read on to find out about Cedric, his career in the air and his work motivating those who come to him for inspiration. You can learn more, or book him for a speech, at www.cedricdumont.com.


When did your fascination in human flight begin and when did your first jump take place?


Since I was a kid, I was fascinated by flying and wanted to fly myself, becoming a pilot was one of my dreams.

How long before you had really caught the bug and realised that this extreme sport would become a focal point in your life?


I never thought that an extreme sport would become such a focal point, I’ve had the thought that I wasn’t cut out for the sport many times in the past, but I am extremely curious and open to new experiences.


Not many people know, but my first passion is golf, I started playing when I was eight and my dream was to play on tour as a pro.

I used to be a golf player and played in the Belgian national team as amateur, but i realised that I was not good enough so I went to university. I don’t regret it because golf has taught me a lot about discipline, perseverance, mental strength and the will to progress in everything I do.


Cedric Dumont.

Cedric is an official Red Bull athlete.

What have been some of your biggest achievements in wingsuit flying and base jumping to date?


My biggest achievement is being alive, when I look back, I made lots of mistakes because of lack of experience. I have lost many friends and it could have been me. So, today I focus more on technical progression than on pure risk taking.
You have to know yourself and know when to say no.

What’s it like flying with the Red Bull Team and what have been some of your most memorable experiences with the group to date?


It’s been a great adventure, especially on a human level, I have met so many committed and interesting people and for me this is the most important part, sharing these experiences with friends.


Every project or expedition is unique, it’s teamwork and it leaves beautiful memories and this is priceless.


Tell us about High Performance Energy and the work you do to educate others on the philosophy behind it?


I studied high performance psychology, I have always been fascinated by the power of the mind and the difference it can make between good and great.

Not only in my high risk environment, but also in business and other sports. It’s all connected, we all use the same proven methods and triggers to create optimal peak performance. Success is not that complex, for me, it’s using and applying these fundamentals in a very consistent way. And this is when you can reach operational excellence in anything you do in life. It’s having a growth mindset, reinventing yourself to stay relevant in a very fast changing world. It’s about having a clear purpose for full engagement. And my purpose was to share and inspire people and this should be our main purpose I think.

What could our readers expect if they attended one of your workshops?


First of all inspiration, but also leadership techniques and tools to use you full potential. Greatness begins beyond your comfort zone!


Cedric Dumont.

Cedric continues to be excited by all new projects and events he works on.

What projects and exciting events do you have planned for the months ahead?


I have a lot of exciting stuff right now, it’s like it keeps getting better every year. My biggest challenge right now is to educate my son. The rest, you will see when it’s done, so time for action.

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